The Qveen's Booklist

The Qveen's Booklist

Hey babes, these are the books that had the biggest impact on my journey (so far)! Please share any recommendations in the comments. xx Qveen


What it's about: An inspiring tale of self-discovery and a light fictional vacation from all the hard core self-help books I read.
Fun fact: SO MANY people told me to read this book, people I would not expect to like a book like this lol.
 Summary: Boy travels through the desert in search of his destiny! A gentle storybook read that inspires inner confidence, patience, intuition, and all that good shit.


What it's about: This book teaches the philosophy of salesmanship and success, prompting you to recite wisdom from 10 scrolls for 30 days.
Fun fact: One of the first books I read when starting my own business years ago, I'm now re-reading.
Summary: A great rags-to-riches story with applicable wisdom for your own life, super inspiring.


 What it's about: Four simple ideas that will make your life smooth as butter.

Fun fact: Every fuckin problem can be eliminated by following these agreements! I'm shook.

Summary: Quick easy read. Write em down, put em on ya fridge.


What it's about: Massive guide to getting your shit together and being a business-person.

Fun fact: Written in the 1920s, it still rings true today. This author also wrote “Think and Grow Rich” which is super famous. 

Summary: You will need 4 months to get through this as there are exercises and lots to digest. I worked through it slowly and could see myself re-reading again in the future.


 What it's about: The act of doing small things every day compounds into great wealth in any area of your life.

 Fun fact: This is basically the method we used to build success for our first music group Karmin and now Qveen Herby.

Summary: Fascinating look at how our daily decisions and actions become big returns over time!  Puts the process into simple, achievable steps for you.


What it's about: The only way to change your reality is to change your habits. We have to consciously de-program the old ones and establish new ones.

Fun fact: It takes 66 days to establish a new habit.

Summary: Easy read showing how habits are formed. Motivates you to look at your circumstances, map out a plan, and execute!


 What it's about: The crazy, weird, amazing reality of living a creative life.

 Fun fact: This book helped me establish a sustainable independent music career.

Summary: Author’s personality and perspective are refreshing, relatable, and fun. Re-ignited my respect for choosing a creative path and mentally navigating that in a world of 9-5 office jobs.


What it's about: Fundamentals of being a likeable person.

Fun fact: Shit dropped in 1936 and the tea's still hot.

Summary: How to handle people, get people like you, win people to your way of thinking, and how to be a leader.


 What it's about: So fucking simple, will blow your mind.

Fun fact: Man on the verge of suicide passes out and wakes up enlightened.

 Summary: How to live in the present moment and eliminate anxiety/depression.



 What it's about: Simplified textbook-level explanations of the body’s subtle energy systems, the chakras.  

 Fun fact: My favorite part is a chart of each year of human life, and the distinct lessons to focus on to develop your energy body.

Summary: They don’t teach this in school, kids! You will understand your body and the energy field NOBODY talks about. Tips for healing any imbalances/blockages. Super helpful and easy to reference anytime. 



 What it's about: The 3-step process for removing old emotional baggage you’re storing in your body that’s preventing your best life.

 Fun fact: I’ve seen huge results from practicing this technique. It’s so simple you might not even believe it’s working at first.

Summary: 1) Think of something that causes a negative feeling for you 2) Locate it in your body 3) Sit with it until it dissipates. Over time, you become lighter and remove blockages for a happier, more successful life.




What it's about: Reincarnation, bitch! Non-spiritual doctor stumbles upon past lives while hypnotizing a tricky patient.

Fun fact: Book was sent to my fan mail address, thanks Henry :)

Summary: Changed my perspective on life, death, and the eternal soul. Soulmates, phobias, and purpose on a higher level.



 What it's about: Doctor transcripts of 30+ patients in hypnosis describing exactly what happens when we die, in the after life, and rebirth into a new body.

Fun fact: Gave me a new outlook on life and deep compassion for every living being. Alleviates the fear of death.

Summary: We all come here with a distinct purpose and mission, to learn important lessons and work out our karma! The details will astound you.


 What it's about: Pretty much all of us experience trauma in our childhoods, but it can be hard to pick out the subtler emotional neglect/abandonment and how it shapes our responses to present-day adult situations.

Fun fact: A therapist specializing in narcissistic abuse recommended this for me and it gave me the framework for recovery!

Summary: It's not your fault what happened, but it is your responsibility to heal, babe. And you're WORTH IT.


 What it's about: Everything you ever wanted to know about astrology laid out in the most organized and thorough manner, with a dash of mythology/history.

Fun fact: My foray into astrology was getting a reading with Gahl and it changed my life. He handed me this book and I wrote a whole album themed off astrological signs ("Leo Rising" by Karmin 2016).

Summary: If you're confused about the signs, planets, houses, and aspects this is a fabulous guidebook that I reference time and time again.



 What it's about: Science-based deep dive on the invisible energetic web that ties us all together and creates our reality through thoughts & feelings. 

Fun fact: As a world-building creative, I needed to understand the bridge between imagination and reality, how to apply this knowledge IRL.

Summary: If we understand how it works and speak the language it recognizes, we can absolutely create anything we desire in life.


 What it's about: The symbolic and metaphysical meaning of earth creatures!

Fun fact: Artist coach Wendy Parr recommends that you identify your animal totems and how they influence your life & artistry. 

Summary: From lifelong favorites (I've always loved tigers!) to seeing a rat run across your path, animals communicate important lessons for our soul.


 What it's about: All of us express 'archetypes' or characters in areas of our persona and life. This is a major self-discovery tool. 

Fun fact: When you read about the different archetypes, it's eerily simple to pick out the ones that resonate with you. "OMG I am such a pirate!"

Summary: Caroline walks you through selection and charting your archetypes through a brief meditation.


 What it's about: No nonsense spirit world guide jam-packed with gems. 

Fun fact: I like to brag that I'm friends with Shaman Durek, but learned so much about what it means to be a shaman and communication with spirit.

Summary: Whether you know you're psychic or have shut these talents away, this book will introduce you to useful practices to re-awaken your connection.


 What it's about: The creative artist's greatest enemy, resistance, and how to defeat it to unlock your potential.

Fun fact: Just reading a chapter can motivate me into getting sh*t done. I love how he personifies "the muse" inviting her into the room when you work.

Summary: Everybody faces resistance, so give yourself the tools to fight back and claim your most fulfilling life ever.

 What it's about: How society, and in turn we, demonize PUSSY and limit ourselves from experiencing pleasure.

Fun fact: My friend Blu told me about this book and I like to leave it out on the coffee table because it always starts juicy convos with guests.

Summary: Reclaim your big pussy energy and feel fully into feminine power.


 What it's about: Learning to listen to your soul speak and how to make decisions in alignment with honoring your true self, whew!

Fun fact: For someone who grew up people pleasing & abandoning herself, this is the clearest explanation of integrity I've found, plus Martha is a spiritual gangster.

Summary: If you have a hard time making decisions or figuring out your path forward, this is a sweet sip of strawberry iced tea mama.





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  • I know you’ve mentioned the books you’re reading in passing and to see them all lined up is exactly what I needed. Thank you, Qveen!

    Megan Coite on
  • I am in the middle of reading the Power of Now currently from a reel I watched on Qveen’s IG, SO CRAZY. Very simple but somehow I’ve never really paid attention? Is there a suggestion for the order in which I should read the rest of the books?

    Hannah Boling on
  • The fact that I’ve either read or known of most of these books is proof of alignment. Thank you Qveen.

    Adriana Villarreal on

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